Recovery Stories is committed to helping individuals and families recover from addiction and mental health problems

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“Creating hope, understanding and a sense of belonging”

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Describes the author’s story, and his development of the grassroots initiative Wired In; the eBook Our Recovery Stories; the nature of substance use problems; changing behaviour and recovery, and the nature of addiction treatment. (4,024 words)

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Journeys, Part 2: Living With Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction often leads to changes in a person’s relationships, lifestyle, physical and psychological health, values, and identity. Some heroin addicts engage in criminal activity to maintain their habit. Heroin addicts are stigmatised by wider society. (5,643 words) *

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The Indigenous world view vs. Western world view

How we see the world determines how we act. Western thought sees us at war with each other over resources. Indigenous philosophy, we are all related as individuals in balance with nature. wc nativenews. [5’26”]

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Bill White’s Writings

Researcher, historian, practitioner and recovery advocate William (Bill) L White has been the most prolific writer in the addiction recovery field. You only have to look at his website. The impact of his ideas, work and writings has been enormous. Here, I include links to a number of my blog posts that focus on Bill […]

Random Healing

Gabor Maté: Our Strange Indifference to Aboriginal Addiction

“Addicts are made, not born, and the most common precursors are early childhood privation, neglect and abuse. For several generations, Canada’s native children have been far more likely to suffer grinding penury, abuse and childhood substance addictions than non-natives.” Gabor Maté Marlene, a 46-year old native woman, sat in my office last week, slumped on […]

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“Connecting recovering people to inspire, learn from, and support each other.”