Recovery Stories is committed to helping individuals and families recover from addiction and mental health problems

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“Creating hope, understanding and a sense of belonging”

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Anna’s Recovery Story: ‘Should I or Shouldn’t I?’

Through his heroin addiction and recovery, Anna’s brother has taught her so much about life, including the most valuable lesson she could ever learn—you can get through anything. (4,273 words)

Random Article

Recovery, Reintegration, and Anti-Discrimination: Julian Buchanan

Key research highlighting the social exclusion that dependent drug users experience, and the difficulties they face in trying to reintegrate. Julian Buchanan describes a model for integrating problematic drug users back into mainstream society. (2,756 words)

Random Film

Kevin Kennedy Opens Up About Beating His Alcohol Addiction: This Morning

Former Coronation Street star Kevin Kennedy reveals how bad his alcoholism got, and what he did to overcome it. 5 January 2017. [5’46”]

Random Resource

Reflections of Beth Burgess

A series of blogs from recovery coach Beth Burgess of Smyls. Beth has written articles about addiction recovery for the Huffington Post which means she has had a large audience.

Random Healing

How Trauma Flows Through the Generations

‘Our first generations were killed and imprisoned, and females sexually misused. Our second generations turned to alcohol or drugs as their cultural and spiritual identity was damaged; in our third generations we had spousal assault and societal trauma. In our fourth generations the abuse moves from spousal abuse to child abuse or both. In the […]

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“Connecting recovering people to inspire, learn from, and support each other.”