Recovery Voices: Our First Two Weeks

We have just started Week 3 of our new Recovery Voices website, a project with Wulf Livingston of North Wales and Ash Whitney of South Wales. This project was developed in order to capture conversations about what works in supporting recovery from addiction, and in the development of peer-led recovery communities, from a range of individuals with lived experience, as well as friends of recovery.

I thought I’d just update you on our most viewed web pages to date. Here are the top five:

1. Dr. David McCartney: Links to the 15 main films I edited from my interview with David, along with summaries. David founded Lothians & Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP)—a residential rehab in Lothian, Scotland, delivered by the NHS and partners. David has an excellent Recovery Review blog.

2. Our First Week: Recovery VoicesA review of progress, thanks to those who have visited the website (and to those who have left messages) and an introduction to our initial interviewees.

3. Towards Recovery: Towards Recovery offers a Recovery Cafe in Henley-on-Thames, as well as an online Recovery Cafe, where people recovering from addiction can get support and encouragement. It aims to help people connect with others, re-connect with themselves and the world around them, and make sustainable changes to create a life of their own choosing.

4. North Wales Recovery Communities: NWRC comprises a number of communities, including a residential rehab at Penrhyn House, Growing for Change, with its gardens and allotments, and Bwyd Da Bangor (Good Food Bangor), a community cafe/restaurant that provides the best food on the High Street.

5. A Service of Remembrance and Hope: Celebrating Living and Lived Experience: On Friday 29th September, North Wales Recovery Communities (NWRC) held their first full service of remembrance and hope. We gathered in Saint Deiniol’s Cathedral, Bangor, and expressed gratitude for being alive and kicking; and regret and sorrow for those dear to us, who are no longer with us.

I was really pleased to find today that our Recovery Voices YouTube channel came out second top of Google Listings when I put the words ‘Recovery Voices’ into the search. It’s too early for our Recovery Voices website to appear high on the listings, but hopefully we will rise over the coming months. You can help by checking out our website and telling your friends about our new initiative.

Below, is the most viewed film on our channel, a Teaser for James Deakin, Founder of North Wales Recovery Communities. [Our apologies for the slow internet connection at James’s end]

The photograph above is of Dr. David McCartney.