Apology and What’s Coming Next Month

First of all, my apologies that I have not been posting on this blog recently. I’ve been very busy working on the new Recovery Voices project and have been developing the new website with my long-term partner in crime, Ash Whitney from Cilfrew in South Wales.

Ash and I launched our first website, Daily Dose, back in February 2001 and this was followed by others whilst I was living in the UK. Ash developed this website for me back in 2013 and then The Carrolup Story website for John Stanton and I in 2018. It’s always great fun working with Ash and good to share our interests in sport. Check out Ash’s work at Wired Up Wales.

I’ve been thrilled working with Wulf Livingston of North Wales on the Recovery Voices project. We’ve both been interviewing various people in the recovery field and I’ve been doing a great deal of film editing. Some of you will have seen some of the work we’ve been doing with our collaborators in my blog posts and our Recovery Voices page.

I’m grateful to have been working with James Deakin (North Wales Recovery Communities), Huseyin Djemil (Towards Recovery), Wendy Dossett (formerly of University of Chester), Marcus Fair (Eternal Media) and David McCartney. They have all been doing exciting things in the recovery field.

But more of that when Wulf and I launch the new website in the second half of September. I’ll be backposting here before we launch the other website.

Wishing you all well.