Recovery Stories is committed to helping individuals and families recover from addiction and mental health problems

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“Creating hope, understanding and a sense of belonging”

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Natalie’s Recovery Story: ‘I Didn’t Plan To Be An Addict’

Treatment staff and her peers help Natalie find a path to recovery from heroin addiction. A confronting situation years later, when she is a treatment practitioner, helps Natalie realise that she is still traumatised from her childhood experiences. A second recovery journey begins. (10,923 words)

Random Article

Self-Change and Recovery Capital

Robert Granfield and William Cloud’s research provides important insights into how many people overcome substance use problems without accessing treatment. They stress the importance of recovery capital in the process of recovery from addiction. (1,920 words)

Random Film

Ed Mitchell – Lost and Found

Almost two years on from his last drink in December 2007, former BBC and ITN broadcaster Ed Mitchell revisits the places that played an important part in his homelessness and subsequent recovery in this latest mini documentary. He explains his thoughts and feelings on what happened to him and what he has learnt that might […]

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‘Journeys’ Podcast with David Clark and Huseyin Djemil

In April 2021, David Clark of the Recovery Stories website was interviewed by Huseyin Djemil of Towards Recovery as the first guest on the Towards Recovery ‘Journeys’ Podcast. The podcast was launched in June 2021 on the Towards Recovery website. David edited these twelve clips from Huseyin’s original podcast and posted them on his Our […]

Random Healing

The Impact of Colonialism on a Young Aboriginal Australian

Here is an excellent description of how colonialism impacted upon a young Aboriginal Australian as summarised by Richard Broome in his seminal book Aboriginal Australians: A history since 1788. ‘In Dareton, new South Wales, In 1965, eleven-year-old Malcolm Smith and his brother ‘borrowed’ pushbikes leaning against a bus shelter and went joy-riding. This small act led to the […]

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“Connecting recovering people to inspire, learn from, and support each other.”