‘Social Inclusion and Recovery: A Model for Mental Health Practice’ by Julie Repper & Rachel Perkins

41F08WRN58L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_SX342_SY445_CR,0,0,342,445_SH20_OU02_I am very impressed by this book and highly recommend it for all people working in the mental health and addiction fields. It is informative, easy to read and considers a wide range of practical issues. It focuses on how we can best help people with mental health problems gain meaningful and satisfying lives.

I’ve written one blog based on material in this book – What is Recovery? – and more will appear shortly. Here is what appears on the book’s back cover:

‘The starting point of this book is the lived experience of mental health problems and recovery, articulated by many of those who have survived and thrived with mental health difficulties.

On the basis of the myriad individual journeys contained in their accounts, the book explores the day-to-day supportive and facilitative role of nurses and direct care staff as allies in the recovery process.

In debates about the role of different professionals, it is all too easy for the concerns of the central players – people who themselves experience mental health problems – to become marginalised.

Both authors have extensive experience of mental heath services from a range of perspectives: as senior professionals, as trainers, and as people who have experienced mental health problems and have used services themselves.

Grounded within theories of recovery and social inclusion, and drawing on both research literature and the experiences of people who have faced the challenge of life with mental health problems, they provide an integrative model of mental health practice designed to help people with mental health difficulties to rebuild meaningful and satisfying lives.’